
Who you gonna call…about your benefits?

Did you know that if you participate in the State of Idaho Group Insurance Program phone numbers to reach Customer Service for your medical and dental coverages, vision and prescription drug benefits, and Employee Assistance Program (EAP) are as close as your wallet or purse?Back of Member ID Card


Printed on the back of every Blue Cross of Idaho member ID card are local and toll-free numbers to contact your carrier for inquiries about coverage, verify claim status, set up an appointment with a counselor and more.


ID Card ImageLost your Member ID card? You can view or request a new ID card by logging in to your Blue Cross of Idaho Member Account, https://members.bcidaho.com, and select “Need your ID card?” from the center section of the page.

icon-_0013_blue-checkboxMembers can also download the Blue Cross of Idaho Mobile App for Apple or Android devices and view member ID cards for you and your dependents.

The Office of Group Insurance and Blue Cross of Idaho have provided a variety of ways for you to access your information for those circumstances where you need it most.

You may also contact the Office of Group Insurance by phone, email or through the website with questions about the benefits administered by our office.

Life Events – Where do I start?

When life circumstances change they tend to all change at once. That’s why the Office of Group Going on LeaveInsurance (OGI) designed this website to help employees navigate the most commonly asked about events and questions related to medical, dental and life insurance coverages.

Having a BabyThe Life Events page is the best place to start if you aren’t sure where you need to go or what you need to do regarding your insurance benefits if you are: having a baby, planning for retirement, transferring jobs from one state agency to another, and MORE!


Don’t see a particular life event linked on our page? Contact the OGI team and we will gladly walk you through the process for applicable insurance coverages.

OGI’s goal is to ensure that employees have access to resources so that when life happens employees can make the best decisions for themselves and their families. Disability

The OGI website also has a link on the Life Events page for the HR offices to help agencies as they help employees.

Using your Vision Benefit

Each active employee medical plan includes a Vision Benefit. Blue Cross of Idaho contracts with Vision Service Plan (VSP) to administer this benefit.

Participants can choose a VSP network provider or non-network vision care provider; the benefit payable is identical, the difference is the method in which claims are submitted.

A VSP network provider should be able to submit the claim to VSP directly, where a non-network vision care provider may require payment in full from you at the time of service and then it’s up to you to self-submit your claim to VSP for reimbursement of the benefit amount.

Vision care providers may offer additional discounts to patients on products and services, but the benefit paid by the State’s plan under the Vision Benefit does not change.

For detailed information about your Vision Benefit, view the medical plan contracts or visit the VSP website where you can set up an account to submit your claim, www.vsp.com.

You are also welcome to contact the Office of Group Insurance with any questions.

FSA Vendor Transition is Complete

The Flexible Spending Account (FSA) vendor transition to Navia Benefits Solutions is complete!!!

FY2016 FSA participants will receive an email from Navia confirming the plan details for “Effective Date: 7/1/2015”. The transition of funds WILL NOT interfere with any FY2017 accounts that have already been set up.

All claims for FY2016 must be submitted to Navia by the end of business on October 31, 2016.

  • Day Care FSA – The FY2016 grace period allows for expenses to be incurred through September 15, 2016, but all claims must be submitted by October 31 as unused Day Care FSA balances will be forfeited.
  • Health Care FSA – After the run-out period is complete, Health Care FSA balances, up to $500, will be rolled over to the current plan year and available for reimbursement of FY2017 qualifying medical expenses.

Navia is also processing outstanding claims that were submitted to SHDR during the transition. If a participant has any questions about the status of a claim, they can contact Navia directly at 1-800-669-3539 or customerservice@naviabenefits.com.

What Do You Think?

As you’ve noticed-OGI launched a new website! We hope this website serves as a resource for employees to better understand their comprehensive benefits and utilize them to support their health and well-being.

Let us know how you like the website, what your favorite area is, and if we can make any improvements. Contact us here to share your feedback.

New Benefit Summary Document

Looking for a quick summary of the comprehensive benefits afforded to state employees? Check out the NEW Benefit Summary document – Benefits at a Glance – on the OGI website.

Benefits at a Glance is a great resource for new and existing employees to see “at a glance” the medical and dental insurance coverages as well as the life insurance, disability coverage and flexible spending accounts administered through the Office of Group Insurance.

Detailed benefits, plan coverage, eligibility, premiums and more can be found on the website under Benefits & Plans.

It’s a new plan year…now what?

July 1, 2016 starts the new fiscal year (FY2017) for the State as well as the new plan year for group insurance. If you made changes during open enrollment such as switching from one plan type to another or electing previously declined dependent dental those changes are effective for your benefits in this new plan year.

If you enrolled or re-enrolled in the Health Care Flexible Spending Account (HCFSA) and/or Day Care Flexible Spending Account (DCFSA), you’ve started seeing those deductions on your paystubs and you will be eligible to submit claims. Remember that the Health Care FSA is fully funded the first day of the plan year, but the Day Care FSA funds are only available with each payroll deduction.

We’ve posted helpful information on the Flexible Spending Account page. Also, check out the Navia Benefits Solutions website, https://idaho.naviabenefits.com to set up your username and password for your account.