It’s a new plan year…now what?
July 1, 2016 starts the new fiscal year (FY2017) for the State as well as the new plan year for group insurance. If you made changes during open enrollment such as switching from one plan type to another or electing previously declined dependent dental those changes are effective for your benefits in this new plan year.
If you enrolled or re-enrolled in the Health Care Flexible Spending Account (HCFSA) and/or Day Care Flexible Spending Account (DCFSA), you’ve started seeing those deductions on your paystubs and you will be eligible to submit claims. Remember that the Health Care FSA is fully funded the first day of the plan year, but the Day Care FSA funds are only available with each payroll deduction.
We’ve posted helpful information on the Flexible Spending Account page. Also, check out the Navia Benefits Solutions website, to set up your username and password for your account.