New Healthy Living Resources
The State’s health plan has not included a true lifestyle and weight management program in several years. So we are thrilled to roll out Wondr Health (formerly Naturally Slim) to all of our adult members. What we like about Wondr Health is that it isn’t a diet. It is a long-term investment in your nutrition and lifestyle education that results in weight loss and better overall health. Who can’t use that skill?
The program includes online courses, physical activity tracker, tailored content on behavioral eating, a team of counselors and a community of other Wondr Health participants. Best of all, the cost of the program is covered 100% regardless of which plan you have selected.
How do you get signed up? Check out the Wondr Health FAQ
For more about health promoting programs available to you, visit the Be Healthy page of the OGI website or visit the Blue Cross of Idaho member portal,
Haven’t set up your Blue Cross of Idaho member portal account? Have your Member ID handy and visit