Official Government Website

Open Enrollment

The State of Idaho Group Insurance plan utilizes passive enrollment each year. This means any currently enrolled employees, who do not wish to make benefit changes for the upcoming fiscal year, do not need to do anything. These employees will automatically be re-enrolled in the same plan as the previous year (except for participation in FSA which requires re-enrollment each year).

Annual open enrollment is the only time that employees may enroll/decline coverage, switch medical plans, change their Premium Only Plan elections or enroll in the FSA. Open enrollment is usually held the last week of April and first two weeks of May, with changes taking effect the following July 1. All employee elections must be submitted during the open enrollment period; forms submitted after the close of open enrollment cannot be accepted.

Each year, the Office of Group Insurance sends all agencies instructions in advance of the upcoming annual open enrollment. We include such details as the exact dates of the open enrollment period and employee deadlines for submitting election forms. We also post information for employees about available benefit options, upcoming changes, and how to enroll for the benefits of their choice on both the Employee Portal and the Group Insurance website. It is the responsibility of the individual agency human resource office to share all open enrollment information/materials provided by the Office of Group Insurance to their employees.

Your Open Enrollment “To-Do” List 

This year, more than ever, it is important to review your health care elections. 

  • Review the New plan year rates – If you miss the Open Enrollment window, you will be locked into your election until next Open Enrollment unless you experience a Qualifying Life Event. 
  • Review the FY25 Summaries of Benefits & Coverage (SBC) – Regence Medical, Regence VSP Vision & Blue Cross of Idaho Dental summary. 
  • Start a file for your FY2025 receipts. 
  • Set up your Regence Blue Shield member portal login at
  • Set up your Blue Cross of Idaho (Dental Coverage) login at
  • Set up your Navia member portal login at Navia Benefit Solutions if you are participating in Flexible Spending Accounts.

ver: 4.1.2 | last updated:
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