The Office of Group Insurance staff serve as a liaison between employees, retirees, agency personnel, and the insurance carriers. We’re here to help you!
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Mailing Address
P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0035
Our Staff
Open Position Employee Benefit Technician General benefit information, active employee enrollment & eligibility, Luma Enrollment (208) 332-1860
Laura Baker Employee Benefit Technician General benefit information, active employee enrollment & eligibility, Luma Enrollment (208) 332-1833
Sarah Cook Employee Benefit Specialist General benefit information, non-SCO active employee enrollment & eligibility, Employee Navigator Enrollment (208) 332-1862
Mary Tanner Employee Benefit Specialist Retiree enrollment & eligibility, retiree medical premiums, FSA and HSA (208) 332-1887
Carrie Wright Employee Benefits Specialist Active employee medical & dental premiums (208) 332-1886
Krystal Reasor Programs Specialist Life and Disability Coverages (208) 332-1865
Sherry Anghel Group Insurance Specialist Active employee life and disability premiums & claims, and training and outreach (208) 332-1863
Justin Seaman Statewide Group Insurance Manager (208) 332-1861