Official Government Website

Retiree Information

The State of Idaho is pleased to offer eligible retirees and their dependents a comprehensive and flexible benefit program designed to promote health and personal welfare.

Eligible retirees under the age of 65 may elect group medical coverage for themselves and their eligible dependents and have the choice of Regence BlueShield of Idaho Traditional, PPO, or High Deductible plans. Prescription drug coverage is included with medical coverage.

  • There is no retiree dental plan but a COBRA election may be available.
  • Vision and EAP are not included in the Retiree medical plan.
  • Rates and Plan Options can be viewed here: Retiree Medical Coverage Plans & Rates.




Important Time Frames

Date of Retirement
The date you start drawing your state retirement benefit. You must attach a copy of the statement from your retirement system showing the date your retirement benefits begin.

Date Active Employee Coverage Ends
If you terminate active employment status prior to the 15th day of a month, your eligibility for coverage ends on the last day of that month. If you terminate active status on or after the 15th day of a month, your eligibility for coverage ends on the last day of the following month. Your human resources office can provide you with additional information.

Retiree Plan Effective Date
Coverage is effective on the first day of the month following the date your active employee coverage terminates, provided your Retiree Medical Plan Enrollment Application is submitted to our office within sixty (60) days of the date your active employee coverage ends. For example, if your active employee coverage ends May 31st, you must submit your application by July 30.

Did you know you can COBRA your FSA?

When you retire, you can continue accessing your Flexible Spending Account (FSA) balances by contributing to your FSA on a post-tax basis. Contact Navia directly at retirement and ask them for more information about how to COBRA your FSA.

Are you turning 65?

Because your Medicare coverage begins on the first day of the month in which you turn 65 and your eligibility for the Retiree Group Medical Plan ends on the last day of that month, you could qualify for a reduced premium rate for your birthday month if you have Medicare parts A and B.

You will be notified by Regence as well as the Office of Group Insurance; however, you may contact our office at any time if you would like additional information.

Helpful Links:

2024 Creditable Coverage Medicare Part D Notice

90 Days from Retirement Resource

How do I use my sick leave funds?

Am I eligible for the State’s Retiree Medical Plan?


State Controller’s Office

Regence BlueShield Medicare Site

Senior Health Insurance Benefits
Advisors Program (SHIBA)

Idaho SHIBA provides free, unbiased Medicare benefits information and assistance for all Idahoans with Medicare.

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